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Bermudian Springs School District

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COPPA Information

The Bermudian Springs School District is committed to the safety of our students, especially when it comes to students using online resources. All students will be issued a BSSD account to access computers, mobile devices, and course content in Seesaw, Canvas, and Google Apps for Education. Access to technology provides our students with exciting instructional opportunities to engage in communication, collaboration, critical-thinking, and creativity.  While allowing access to these online educational resources, we also want to balance the protection of your child’s online privacy and personal information. 

The ​Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act​ (COPPA) requires that some web-based sites and application providers obtain verifiable parental consent for​ children under the age of 13​ to use these web-based tools. In addition, under this law, schools are permitted to consent to the collection of this information on behalf of its students. This eliminates the need for individual parental consent given directly to each website or app provider. 

The list below includes a list of software applications and web-based resources that have been approved for use by our district for the 2021-2022 school year. This list of approved websites and apps is updated regularly so be sure to check back frequently.