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Bermudian Springs School District

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Screening activities are conducted for students on an on-going basis throughout the school year in each building. Child study teams in each building may include teachers, counselors, principals, psychologist, or related services providers.  A team of teachers, along with the parent, meet to discuss student concerns and develop interventions to be implemented in the classroom. Parents can request screening in writing for their children by contacting the building principal in the building that their child attends.  When screening indicates that a student may be a child with a disability eligible for special education, the school district will seek parental consent to conduct an evaluation by mailing a “Permission to Evaluate - Consent Form”.

Screening activities cannot block the rights of a parent to request, at any time, an evaluation for education services. A “Parent Request Form” is available in each building office for a parent to request an evaluation, even though the district may be conducting screening or Child Study procedures. If the district agrees to proceed to evaluation, an additional “Permission to Evaluate - Consent Form” will be sent to the parent to indicate the district’s decision to conduct the evaluation that the parent(s)/guardian(s) have requested.