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Bermudian Springs School District

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Educational Evaluation

“Educational Evaluation” is the procedure used to determine whether a child has a disability and if the child’s disability is of the nature and extent that the child would be eligible for special education and related services.  Assessments used in the evaluation are determined on an individual basis by a Multi-disciplinary Evaluation (MDE) team, which includes the parents.  Any formal evaluations proposed by the district require parental consent. Parents are asked to provide written permission to conduct the evaluation via a “Permission to Evaluate Consent Form”.  Parents are asked to submit any additional information or evaluations that may be relevant to their child to the MDE team for consideration, during the 60 day time frame needed to conduct the evaluation. The evaluation team takes into consideration cultural issues as they determine the assessment tools that will be administered for the student.  A single test or procedure cannot be the sole factor in determining that a child is eligible for special education services.  The information gathered during the Child Study or screening procedures outlined above, provides the MDE team with valuable information on a student’s academic needs, progress with classroom interventions, and assessments that may need to be conducted.  The screening process also rules out any factors that may be hindering a child’s progress including; vision, hearing, and medical issues.

When the initial, written Evaluation Report (ER) is completed, a copy of the evaluation report shall be mailed to the parents no later than 60 days after the district receives written parental consent.  If a child is found to be disabled and in need of special education services, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed with parental participation. In compliance with the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Pennsylvania State Special Education Regulations, parents are ensured of confidentiality of all student and family information that is collected for evaluation purposes.