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Bermudian Springs School District

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Educational Placement

After the evaluation team has determined that the student is eligible for special education, the team including the parent(s)/guardians(s), meet to develop an Individualized Educational Program (IEP), based on the evaluation. The IEP team identifies the type of services, the level of intervention, and the location of intervention.  The IEP team must include:

•        a school district representative (LEA)
•        the general education teacher
•        the special education teacher
•        the child’s parents, and the student, when 14 years of age.

An IEP describes a student’s current educational levels, goals, and objectives, and the individualized programs and services necessary to provide the student with FAPE.  These services may include:

1.   Learning Support Services
2.   Life Skills Support Services
3.   Emotional Support Services
4.   Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services
5.   Blind or Visually Impaired Services
6.   Speech and Language Support 
7.   Autistic Support Services
8.  Multiple Disabilities Support Services

A student’s special education placement must be made in the least restrictive environment in which the student’s educational needs can be addressed.  All students with disabilities must be educated to the maximum extent appropriate with their non-disabled peers. A student’s IEP is reviewed on at least an annual basis.

The amount of supplementary aides and services that may be needed for a student identified with a disability will vary depending on the individual needs of a student and where those services can be best implemented for a student to benefit from them. Whenever possible, supplemental aids and services are implemented in the regular education, with non-disabled peers, where the student will continue to have access to the general curriculum and make meaningful progress toward grade level benchmarks. The amount of special education supports are divided into three categories of service:



            *Full Time

Some students require a more intensive level of service and Bermudian Springs School District maintains a continuum of service that includes programs outside the regular school building on our campus. Those programs include:

            *Approved Private Schools

            *Other Private Facilities

            *Hospital /Homebound Services

            *Correctional Facilities

            *Instruction in the Home