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Bermudian Springs School District

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Our Program

Providing You A Cyber School Solution That Stays Connected To Your Community

Welcome to the Bermudian Springs Eagles Academy program, a full-time online learning option. The web-based courses meet the increasing demand for high quality student instruction that incorporates proven online learning practices and next generation software.  Enrolling in Eagles Academy means students will have the opportunity to experience flexible and non-traditional learning options with individualized pacing. Students will learn from curriculum that is state aligned and rigorous with an emphasis in 21st century skills.  Furthermore, students can continue to be a member of their local school and participate in school events and activities.

The Bermudian Springs Eagles Academy provides students residing in the Bermudian Springs School District the opportunity to receive an educational program online, grades K through 12, while having access to the supports that are available to all our students. 

Eagles Academy uses the curriculum and professional staff of the Capital Area Online Learning Association, (CAOLA).  We offer high quality courses, highly qualified teachers and individual attention.  We utilize the latest technologies and research-based instructional strategies.  Eagles Academy is powered by Accelerated Ed. (K-6) and Odysseyware (7-12), who are both knowns leaders of innovation in education and ensures that our students will continually benefit from the latest techniques and curriculum. 

All of our courses are approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and meet the Pennsylvania State Academic Standards.  Students who complete requirements for graduation will walk with their class at graduation commencement and receive a Bermudian Springs School District High School Diploma.