Head Varsity Coach: Mr. David McCollum email: dmccollu@bermudian.org
Assistant Varsity Coach: Mr. Daniel Dull
Head Girl's Wrestling Coach- Keith Jackson email: kejackson@bermudian.org
Assistant Girl's Wrestling Coach-Lynn McCauslin
Head FR/8th Grade Coach: Mr. Kevin Henning email: khenning@bermudian.org
Assistant FR/8th Grade Coach: Mr. Bradley Farley
FR/8th Grade Wrestling is offered to boys and girls in grades 7-9
Varsity Wrestling is offered to boys and girls in grades 9-12
2024-2025 Varsity Boys Wrestling Roster
2024-2025 Varsity Girls Wrestling Roster
2024-2025 JH/Varsity Girls Wrestling Rules
2025-2025 JH/Varsity Girls Wrestling Schedule
2024-2025 JH Boys Wrestling Roster
2024-2025 JH Boys Wrestling Schedule
2024-2025 JH Girls Wrestling Roster