Disclosure Report
Athletic Information
As part of a new reporting requirement from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the District has posted the Disclosure of Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities report for school year 2013-2014. This report provides an analysis of all athletic expenditures broken down by sport and competition level. The reports are categorized by middle and high school athletic program.
P1 BSMS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form
P2 BSMS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form - Team Info
P3 BSMS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form - Financial Info
P2 BSHS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form
P2 BSHS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form - Team Info
P3 BSHS Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities Disclosure Form - Financial Info